Thought for this week….

Acceptance and its counterpart, understanding, are crucial to achieving relationship harmony.

It is sacred love, the highest form of love, and like most things worth striving for in life, it requires patience, commitment, personal responsibility, and practice.

Thought for the week….

  1. Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.
  2. When you REACT, you are giving away your power.
  3. When you RESPOND, you are staying in control of yourself.
  4. YOU are responsible for your own happiness. If you expect others to make you happy, you will always be disappointed.

Thought for the week….

When people throw stones at you, ie. when they disapprove or criticize you, don’t be disheartened, but rather learn to have the courage to convert them into milestones.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

Thought for the week….

In life, no one will remember how you looked, what you owned, or what you did, but rather they will always remember you by the way you made them feel when they were with you.

A DADDY isn’t defined as the man who makes the child, but rather a man who extends his hands and time to help with the child’s raising and his heart to love the child through anything!