Living Life with Gratitude….

Living life with gratitude is something that everyone should try to follow. Being grateful always brings down a blessing. Gratitude for the little things in life is how we can have a fulfilled life. There are many things that we can be grateful for. Few examples, that we are able to wake up every morning to a brand-new day, for our good health, for a roof over our head, for our family, for the food we eat, for the education we received, for all our senses, for the air we breathe, for the nature that surrounds us. There are those who do not have a few of the things listed above.

I can go on with many things…. Those who have not yet had the chance to read my book “A Small Handbook on Living Life” can do so, I have written a small chapter on Gratitude.

The more grateful we become; we can view life from a different perspective. We can find joy in the things that surround us.

Thoughts for the week….

Life isn’t meant to be easy, it’s meant to be LIVED. Sometimes good, other times rough. But with every up and down, you learn lessons that make you STRONG.

Always smile back at small children. Ignoring them will destroy their belief that the world is good!

Relations are not built by forcing others to understand you. But by giving them the confidence that you will never misunderstand them.

Thoughts for the week….

1. Take one day at a time. Today, after all, is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

2. Please do not judge people. You don’t know what it took someone to get out of bed, look and feel as presentable as possible, and face the day. You never truly know the daily struggle of others.

3. When you are busy creating your own fulfillment, you won’t feel the need to seek it from others.

Thought for the week….

Life becomes more meaningful when we realize the simple fact that we will never get the same moment twice.

Don’t be impressed by Money, Followers, Degrees, and Titles.

Be impressed by Humility, Integrity, Generosity, and Kindness.

The less you respond to Rude, Critical and Argumentative people, the more peaceful your life becomes.

Home tips….

  • Relieve yourself when tired! – Drink a concoction of one teaspoon honey dissolved in half a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Leafy vegetables will remain fresh longer if wrapped in a newspaper and stored.
  • Seal cracks in flower vases with candle wax.