The four Magic words of success

If you remember these four words, you will grow to be a wise person.

First word – THINK :

Think about the values and principles that guide you.

Second word – BELIEVE :

Believe in yourself based on the values and principles that guide you.

Third word – DREAM :

Dream about something that you want to do and then do it based on your belief in yourself, and the thinking that you have done about your values and principles.

Forth word – DARE : 

Dare to make your dream a reality, because of your belief in yourself and because of the thinking you have done about your values and the principles that you are going to live by.

Think through the problem, so you throughly understand it. Believe that you can find the perfect answer. Dream of a creative solution and Dare to follow through and make it happen.

A Day-24 hours-1440 minutes

Sometimes we hear the words “Time is money”.

Imagine what life would be like if we thought about our time here in terms of money. Imagine being given 1440 in cash every single day to spend on whatever you want. However, at the end of each day, you completely lose whatever portion of the money you did not use, and you cannot return/exchange any of your purchases.

Take heart, you will be given another 1440 the next day, and this goes on every day as long as you live. How do you spend your money? Would knowing that you would lose the unspent portion of your daily income make any difference? How so?

Every single day has 1440 minutes, which we are given to use as we please. However, as the clock strikes 12.00 a.m a new day begins, and we are given another 1440 minutes, but the balance from the previous day is completely gone, never to be used again.

How do you spend your 1440 minutes every single day? What do you have to show for the time spent?

Is it countless hours spent in front of the television, or is it spent learning something new?

Is it time spent being angry and unforgiving or is it spent in loving and caring for others?

Is it time spent only with office work or is it a balance between work and family time with loved ones, spent talking, laughing, and growing together?

The intent of this is to encourage everyone to appreciate, that our days here on earth quickly pass by and to understand the importance of learning to appreciate and value every single minute. Every minute counts, so try to live a meaningful and fulfilled life.

Promise Yourself

  • Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
  • Promise yourself to talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
  • Promise yourself to make all your friends feel that there is something special in them.
  • Promise yourself to see the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
  • Promise yourself to be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
  • Promise yourself to wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature, you meet a smile.
  • Promise yourself to give so much to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

A few thoughts to help with dialogue between partner/spouse

Listen and relate to your partner.

Do not allow yourself to get annoyed by your partner’s opinions. If you know that your partner’s viewpoint is correct in a situation, learn to accept it and try to come to an agreement.

Express yourself freely and allow your partner the same space to express themselves. This is particularly important in any relationship.

Five ways to stay focused on your goal

  1. Always finish what you started. One thing at a time helps you to do a good job and gives you satisfaction.
  2. Organize and plan to make things easy and simple. A task can be broken down into smaller tasks and that way you get to finish it sooner without feeling overwhelmed.
  3. Change the way you look at things. If you look at a problem as a problem you will never be able to think clearly and find solutions. You can try to think of it as an opportunity to learn something about the situation or maybe even more about yourself.
  4. Always remember that goals will take time to reach. So, when you set one, remember that consistency, patience and hard work is the key.
  5. Read a lot and learn something new whenever you get a chance. Life is a journey of continuous learning.