Thoughts for the week….

  • Everything changes when you begin to love yourself. You no longer send out the energy of desperation or need to be filled from the outside. You become a powerful source within yourself that attracts better. The more you love who you are, the less you seek validation and approval from others.
  • A river cuts through a rock, not because of its power, but because of its PERSISTENCE.
  • Don’t be disappointed if people refuse to help you. Remember the words of Einstein : 

     “I am thankful to all those who said No. Because of them, I did it myself.”

Ways to Love yourself every day….

1. Start and end your day with gratitude.

2. Take time to meditate or remain in silence for a specific amount of time during the day.

3. Don’t allow negative energy people to influence you.

4. Eat healthy, drink a lot of water, breathe in the fresh air, and exercise daily.

5. Open your heart and let your intuition guide you.

6. Work on your emotional, physical, and spiritual development.

7. Look at yourself in the mirror and say “I LOVE YOU”

Thoughts for the week….

The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness.

The more tranquil a person becomes, the greater is their success, their influence, their power for good. The calmness of the mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.

Live your life for yourself, not for anyone else. Don’t let the fear of being judged, rejected, or disliked, stop you from being yourself.

Winner’s Edge….

The key to attaining success in life is attitude.

The most important thing is being honest with yourself. To do this here are a few points to follow :

1. Assume responsibility for your actions:

There is a saying that “You reap what You sow”. The meaning is, your rewards depend on the contributions you make or the actions you take. You yourself must take the credit or the blame for your place in life. Responsible people take ownership of their current situation and make necessary changes to get back on their feet and out of adversity. Whereas those who keep blaming the world or the society etc for the situation, never try to change their situation.

Each of you has the option to alter your destiny, all you must do is have the courage and take responsibility for your life.

2. Find your own gifts and follow your own goals:

No matter what happens in life, always remember to be true to yourself. Always live according to your own deepest convictions and abilities, dare to be different, while respecting the rights of others.

You should take time to find out what you are “good at”, your skills and abilities, and try to do something productive with those skills that you are passionate about. You should have self-discipline, goal-setting, and consistency in whatever you do in life.

3. Don’t escape – adapt:

The key to success, to mental health and physical health, is adaptability. Under pressure, many of you tend to give up, become depressed, lose your excitement about life. Many turn to drinking and smoking etc to cope with the pressure. But these are only temporary solutions, which can cause more harm than good for you and those around you. One of the best ways to deal with the pressures in life is to accept them and see what you can do to handle them. Adversities and failures in life are stepping stones to success if you look at them as corrective feedback.

In developing the right attitude for success, you can take responsibility for your life, make use of your gifts and talents, and use them for developing yourself and also have a positive impact or contribution to society.

Losers let life happen to them; winners make it happen.

Thoughts for the week….

Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.

If you want to, you could find a million reasons to hate life and be angry at the world, or, if you want, you could find a million reasons to love life and be happy. Choose wisely.

Life is like an ocean. It can be calm and still or rough and rigid.

But in the end, it’s always Beautiful.