Time Management….

A continuation of my previous post…..

Have you noticed that there are two types of people, one who has all the time in the world and another one who is always busy? This is true regardless of their position, their workload, and commitments, etc. This is their way of life. You will come across some running multi-crore empires having plenty of time to spend with their family and are able to pursue the things that they are passionate about in life. Whereas you might also come across someone who works night and day for weeks to complete some tasks without having any time off for family or self. Why do we have these contrasting situations?

Well, Time Management involves many things and, if done properly, can result in dramatic workload reduction. Let us look at a few of the techniques of Time Management.

80/20 versus 20/80 :

For most projects or tasks, 80 percent of the work gets done in the last 20 percent of the time. Few real-life examples are, some of us to tend to rush with our breakfast in order not to miss the bus or train, students tend to do last-minute, late-night studies for exam preparations.

This happens since most of us tend to relax at the beginning of a task or activity as we see plenty of time ahead. As the deadline approaches, we tend to work harder, and if everything goes well, we complete the task. Unfortunately, if something wrong happens at this last minute we panic and we have a delayed activity or task.

In an optimally planned task or activity, we should try to achieve as much as possible in the beginning stages, so that the task requirements are taken care of and we have sufficient time to handle any unexpected problems without delaying the task at hand.

Early start :

When we start a task or activity as early as possible, we are in a frame of mind to identify problems in the early stages and resolve them in time.

Over-confidence :

Most people have undue confidence in their ability to complete the task in time. Because of this, people become slack and initial delays are overlooked.

Late-nights :

When we tend to delay tasks, we are forced to work late for long hours to complete tasks and this might cause few efficiency-related problems which are not good.

Efficient versus hard work :

We are always taught about the merits of hard work, but blind hard work is not good. A well-planned task is always good since all tasks or activities can be broken down into smaller tasks, which helps us in completing the whole task in less amount of time.

Planning our day and all the activities that we have within your day, helps us save a lot of time. Try and delegate things wherever possible so we are able to have more quality time for ourselves and our family.

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